Refund & Exchange Policy


All our shipments are tracked. Please check your tracking URL (Provided in your order shipping confirmation e-mail) for up to date status on your shipment.


  • 14 days from the date of order delivered, you can apply for refund and exchange.
  • Make sure that you do not remove the hang tag from the product, if you remove the hang tag then the product will not be valid for an exchange or complete refund.
  • Always return back the product along with the zipper bag provided to you.
  • Incase of refund/exchange if the product is found without the hang tag then 25% of the order value will be deducted and rest of the money will be refunded.


We offer a 14 days time period. All labels must be attached to return the goods. The item should be returned along with the zipper bag packing material. item(s) cannot be returned if the care label or hang tag has been cut/removed. All items are thoroughly inspected before any action is taken. you have 14 days from the date of order delivered, to make a return or exchange.

Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. we will also notify you about your refund. After inspection, your refund will be processed. The amount will be paid to your original method of payment, within 4-5 working days. If the payment has been made through COD (cash on delivery), then the payment will be made to your respected bank or UPI id, once we collect your details.


You can apply for an exchange for your order within 14 days after an order has been delivered. We have a reverse pick up facility for most pin codes. Exchanges can only be done for the same products in a different size. It cannot be exchanged for another design in the same product category or against any other product across our website. However the product should be in good condition along with the hang tag attached to it. Incase there is any kind of tamper/damage on the product then that product will not be valid for an exchange and 25% of the order value will be deducted and the rest of the order value will be refunded back to you.


To make a exchange, you can raise your query along with order details through contact us page provided in our website. Our support team will contact you and fulfill query.